“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.”
— Elizabeth Andrew
Join me in extending a warm welcome and congratulations to our newest team members! We are proud of the extraordinary talent that each graduate of our recent Volunteer Trainers Academy (VTA) brings to the Training & Education Center.

Pictured left to right: Mauro Rubina, General Services Agency; Tanisha Young, Social Services Agency (SSA); Lolita Nunn, SSA; Stephanie King, SSA; Marya Edgar, SSA; Porsche Brownridge, SSA; Mark Anthony Scott, Human Resource Services; Margaret Crecy, Health Care Services Agency (HCSA); Rhonesha Evans, HCSA – Public Health. Not Pictured: Sonja Lemons, SSA
In their own words, a look into the 2019 Academy:
Alright, now! For more information about the Volunteer Trainers Academy, contact Dominique B. Burton, Training & Organizational Development Consulting Manager, at dominique.burton2@acgov.org.
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