We’ve reduced the rates for our upcoming Leading with Trust class to $25! There’s never been a better time to sign up and improve your abilities.
Leading with Trust
Trust-related problems put the skids on productivity, divert resources, squander opportunities, and chip away at an organization’s reputation. On the other hand, those who make building trust an explicit goal can elevate trust to a strategic advantage—accelerating growth, enhancing innovation, improving collaboration and execution. Leading with Trust is a highly interactive workshop that engages leaders in the real work of identifying and closing trust gaps that exist in your team.
Participants are eligible to receive six (6) hours of IACET continuing education units (CEU) or seven (7) NASBA CPE upon completion of this course.
County Employees $200, Nonprofit/Public Sector $240, Private Sector $260 – $25 for all attendees!
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