Over the past nearly a year now, Alameda County employees have done an amazing job continuing to serve our communities under unprecedented and very difficult circumstances. Most have been dealing with change and increased stress both at home and at work. With the start of a new year and the beginnings of a fresh start, it is important to manage one’s own stress. The Training & Education Center has selected several on-line training resources which may help.
-Joe Angelo. HR Director
Free Online Resources
Staying Buoyant & Proactive During Times of Change
This three-part series provides helpful guidance on: Understanding Change, Staying Buoyant & Being Proactive During Times of Significant Change.
The current global impact of COVID-19 is establishing new norms in our professional and personal lives, which can cause stress and feelings of defeat. We are facing new challenges of epic proportions, yet here are daily tools to practice for improved self-care and empowerment.
Check out selected on-line courses on our new Coping and Stress 2021 Playlist
Featured Courses:
- Take a Deep Breath and Manage Your Stress
- Forging Ahead with Perseverance and Resilience
- Creating Work/Life Balance
- Staying Balanced in a Shifting World
- Organize Your Physical and Digital Workspace
- Personal Priorities and Types
- Developing a Growth Mind-set
- Redefining Yourself after an Organizational Change
- Achieve Productivity in Your Personal Life
Instructor Led Courses
ALCO Mindfulness Interactive Workshop– March 19
Learn techniques to help experience being in the present moment. In this interactive workshop you will participate in body scan meditation, 5 senses meditation, being the observer – clouds in the sky meditation, diffusion from thoughts – mindful breathing practice and acceptance – waves in the ocean meditation.
9:00 am – 1:00 pm | County: $125 | Public/ Non Profit: $150
ALCO Leading Change through Uncertain Times – April 1
Change is constantly putting pressure on every facet of the organization and personal life specially in time of crisis. Learn coping techniques and tools.
1:00 pm – 5:00 pm | County: $150 | Public/ Non Profit: $175
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