Remote Work: Resources for Alameda County Employees

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Now more than ever, it is important to have the tools and knowledge to successfully work from home. Below are some resources for Alameda County employees.

Tips From the Alameda County Office of Sustainability

On the sustainability intranet, you can find tips for new remote workers and tips for managers new to managing remote teams.

Remote work toolkits and online trainings can be found in the Getting Started page of the Workplace Flexibility section of the intranet.

Also don’t miss the tips for virtual meeting hosts and participants. Additional tips can be found in the Virtual Meetings section.

SumTotal Online Courses

Through SumTotal, our learning management system, Alameda County employees have access to 3 courses for virtual team members and managers:

For more details and resources, you can head to our SumTotal page.

LinkedIn Learning for All

LinkedIn has made a number of LinkedIn Learning courses on remote working available for free. Courses include time management and productivity tips, guidance on managing virtual teams, and tutorials on popular virtual meeting tools.

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