Social Media for Career Development

jonathan rodriguezNews

Social media is a powerful career tool that lets you display your personal brand, find jobs and network with others.

To maximize your benefits from social media, its important to audit your profiles across all platforms and identify which to keep professional (like LinkedIn or Twitter) and which to keep personal (like Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat). All personal accounts should be made private (which can be found in the settings) so that you don’t scare off potential employers with your photos from spring break. Professional accounts should include an updated job history, certifications, interests, and everything else that could give potential employers a holistic view of who you are.

With a complete profile you can reach out to colleagues from your professional and personal life and create online connections. These connections promote development through sharing industry knowledge, upcoming trends, and career guidance. The power to leverage your growing number of contacts in person and online opens opportunities for you through recommendations, access to job listings, exclusive online groups, potential clients and more.

Tip: Having a large network can also be a liability if not handled correctly. Be Smart about your comments, pictures or reposts. Make sure your large professional network only sees you at your best!

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